
the Entry Prepare System of AmP





The function is a shell around several other functions, including AmPgui, that eventually write: mydata_my_pet.m, pars_init_my_pet.m, predict_my_pet.m and run_my_pet.m. Guidance is presented at AmPeps.html


- 0, species is in AmP, skip writing 4 source files
- 1, writing 4 source files with species in CoL
- 2, writing 4 source files with species not in CoL, but genus is in AmP
- 3, writing 4 source files with species not in CoL, genus is not in AmP, but family is
- 4, writing 4 source files with species not in CoL, family is not in AmP, but order is
- 5, writing 4 source files with species not in CoL, order is not in AmP, but class is
- 6, writing 4 source files with species not in CoL, class is not in AmP, but phylum is
- 7, writing 4 source files with species not in CoL, phylum is not in AmP